Thursday, August 14, 2008

7 Years Old

I cannot believe it. My wonderful son is now 7 years old. It sounds so cliche, but he is getting so big. He has always been such a great kid. I could not ask for a better son, he is perfect. It has been a good 7 years so far. No major accidents, just one broken arm, which is impressive considering how active and fearless he is. I am so grateful for Logan. He is smart, has always been in great health, is active, so polite and friendly...I could probably keep going and going.

Anyway, below are a few pictures from his birthday. I homemade his birthday cake and added a bunch of Star Wars characters. We have done this every year (pretty much) per his request. Well this years cake didn't turn out so great. The frosting to write with that I bought from the store just did not work right...oh well, at least he has more Star Wars toys.

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